Have a Seat
This exercise can be done alone or with others. Space should be set up with a variety of different style chairs, at least one chair per participant. You may write down or sketch your observations at any point during this score.
1. Choose a chair and observe it. What materials is it made from? What was it made for? What is the function of the chair? Where was it made to exist? Who has access to the chair and why?
2. Sit in the chair and connect with your body. How does your body feel? How do your feet, legs, back, shoulders, neck and head feel?
3. Begin to move in the chair in a normal way. How does your body feel? Your feet, legs, core, back, shoulders, neck and head? What actions do you feel compelled to do?
4. Interact with and manipulate the chair in the opposite way you are accustomed. Suggestions: Turn the chair upside down. Turn the chair sideways. Spin the chair. Push the chair. Dance with the chair. Hug the chair. Drape your body on the chair. Lie on your back and balance the chair.
5. Each person is given an opportunity to share their movement experiments and observations with the class. Group discussion about movement experiments.
6. Participants pair up and experiment with their two chairs. How do these objects reflect social relationships? Group share and discussion.
7. Participants break into groups of three and explore the ways the chairs moderate social relationships. Group share and discussion.
8. All participants create a score based on previous experimentation.
9. Final group discussion.